Use Docker to install ksqlDB for Confluent Platform

You can deploy ksqlDB by using Docker containers. Confluent maintains images at Docker Hub for ksqlDB Server and the ksqlDB command-line interface (CLI).

Use the following settings to start containers that run ksqlDB in various configurations.

Assign configuration settings in the Docker run command

You can pass configuration settings dynamically into containers by using environment variables. When you start a container, set up the configuration with the -e or --env flags in the docker run command.

For a complete list of ksqlDB parameters, see ksqlDB Configuration Parameter Reference.

In most cases, to assign a ksqlDB configuration parameter in a container, you prepend the parameter name with KSQL_ and substitute the underscore character for periods. For example, to assign the ksql.queries.file setting in your docker run command, specify:

-e KSQL_KSQL_QUERIES_FILE=<path-in-container-to-sql-file>

Also, you can set configuration options by using the KSQL_OPTS environment variable. For example, to assign the ksql.queries.file setting in your docker run command, specify:

-e KSQL_OPTS="-Dksql.queries.file=/path/in/container/queries.sql"

Properties set with KSQL_OPTS take precedence over values specified in the ksqlDB configuration file. For more information, see Setting ksqlDB Server Parameters.

ksqlDB Server configurations

The following commands show how to run ksqlDB Server in different configurations.

ksqlDB Interactive Server Settings

Develop your ksqlDB applications by using the ksqlDB command-line interface (CLI), or the graphical interface in Confluent Control Center, or both together.

Run a ksqlDB Server that enables manual interaction by using the ksqlDB CLI:

docker run -d \
  -p \
  -e KSQL_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092 \
  -e KSQL_KSQL_SERVICE_ID=ksql_service_2_ \
A list of hosts for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
The service ID of the ksqlDB Server, which is used as the prefix for the internal topics created by ksqlDB.
A list of URIs, including the protocol, that the broker listens on. If you are using IPv6, set it to http://[::]:8088.
The classpath to use for the server, which can contain any additional JARs that you may need to run your plugins and UDFs.

In interactive mode, a ksqlDB CLI instance running outside of Docker can connect to the ksqlDB server running in Docker.

ksqlDB Headless Server Settings

You can deploy ksqlDB Server in a non-interactive, or headless, mode. In headless mode, interactive use of the ksqlDB cluster is disabled, and you configure ksqlDB Server with a predefined .sql file and the KSQL_KSQL_QUERIES_FILE setting. For more information, see Non-interactive (Headless) ksqlDB Usage.

Use the following command to run a headless, standalone ksqlDB Server instance in a container:

docker run -d \
  -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container/ \
  -e KSQL_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092 \
  -e KSQL_KSQL_SERVICE_ID=ksql_standalone_1_ \
  -e KSQL_KSQL_QUERIES_FILE=/path/in/container/queries.sql \
A list of hosts for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
The service ID of the ksqlDB server, which is used as the prefix for the internal topics created by ksqlDB.
A file that specifies predefined SQL queries.
The classpath to use for the server, which can contain any additional JARs that you may need to run your plugins and UDFs.

Connect ksqlDB Server to a secure Kafka Cluster, like Confluent Cloud

ksqlDB Server runs outside of your Kafka clusters, so you need to specify in the container environment how ksqlDB Server connects with a Kafka cluster.

Run a ksqlDB Server that uses a secure connection to a Kafka cluster:

docker run -d \
  -p \
  -e KSQL_KSQL_SERVICE_ID=default_ \
  -e KSQL_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG=" required username=\"<username>\" password=\"<strong-password>\";" \
A list of hosts for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
The service ID of the ksqlDB Server, which is used as the prefix for the internal topics created by ksqlDB.
A list of URIs, including the protocol, that the broker listens on. If you are using IPv6, set it to http://[::]:8088.
The default number of replicas for the topics created by ksqlDB. The default is one.
The replication factor for internal topics, the command topic, and output topics.
The number of replicas for the internal topics created by ksqlDB Server. The default is 1.
The protocol that your Kafka cluster uses for security.
The SASL mechanism that your Kafka cluster uses for security.
The Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) configuration.

Learn how to Configure Security for ksqlDB.

Configure a ksqlDB Server by Using Java System Properties

Use the KSQL_OPTS environment variable to assign configuration settings by using Java system properties. Prepend the ksqlDB setting name with -D. For example, to set the ksqlDB service identifier in the docker run command, use:

-e KSQL_OPTS="<your-service-id>"

Run a ksqlDB Server with a configuration that’s defined by Java properties:

docker run -d \
  -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container/ \
  -e KSQL_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092 \
  -e KSQL_OPTS="  -Dksql.queries.file=/path/in/container/queries.sql" \
A list of hosts for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
A space-separated list of Java options.

The previous example assigns two settings, and ksql.queries.file. Specify more configuration settings by adding them in the KSQL_OPTS line. Remember to prepend each setting name with -D.

View ksqlDB Server Logs

Use the docker logs command to view ksqlDB logs that are generated from within the container:

docker logs -f <container-id>

Your output should resemble:

[2019-01-16 23:43:05,591] INFO stream-thread [_confluent-ksql-default_transient_1507119262168861890_1527205385485-71c8a94c-abe9-45ba-91f5-69a762ec5c1d-StreamThread-17] Starting (org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.StreamThread:713)

Enable the ksqlDB Processing Log

ksqlDB emits a log of record processing events, called the processing log, to help you debug SQL queries. For more information, see ksqlDB Processing Log.

Assign the following configuration settings to enable the processing log.

# — Processing log config —
KSQL_LOG4J_PROCESSING_LOG_TOPIC: demo_processing_log

Mount Volumes

Various features (plugins, UDFs, embedded connectors) may require that you mount volumes to the docker image. To do this, follow the official docker documentation.

As an example using docker-compose, you can mount a udf directory and use it like this:

  image: confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server:7.8.1
  hostname: ksqldb-server
  container_name: ksqldb-server
    - broker
    - schema-registry
    - "8088:8088"
    - "./extensions/:/opt/ksqldb-udfs"
    KSQL_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: "broker:9092"
    KSQL_KSQL_SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL: "http://schema-registry:8081"
    # Configuration for UDFs
    KSQL_KSQL_EXTENSION_DIR: "/opt/ksqldb-udfs"

ksqlDB Command-line Interface (CLI)

Develop the SQL queries and statements for your real-time streaming applications by using the ksqlDB CLI, or the graphical interface in Confluent Control Center, or both together. The ksqlDB CLI connects to a running ksqlDB Server instance to enable inspecting Kafka topics and creating ksqlDB streams and tables. For more information, see Configure ksqlDB CLI.

The following commands show how to run the ksqlDB CLI in a container and connect to a ksqlDB Server.

Connect ksqlDB CLI to a Dockerized ksqlDB Server

Run a ksqlDB CLI instance in a container and connect to a ksqlDB Server that’s running in a different container.

# Run ksqlDB Server.
docker run -d -p \
  -e KSQL_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=localhost:9092 \
  -e KSQL_OPTS="  -Dlisteners=" \

# Connect the ksqlDB CLI to the server.
docker run -it confluentinc/ksqldb-cli ksql
A list of hosts for establishing the initial connection to the Kafka cluster.
A space-separated list of Java options. If you are using IPv6, set listeners to http://[::]:8088.

The Docker network created by ksqlDB Server enables you to connect with a dockerized ksqlDB CLI.

Start ksqlDB CLI With a Provided Configuration File

Set up a ksqlDB CLI instance by using a configuration file, and run it in a container:

# Assume ksqlDB Server is running.
# Ensure that the configuration file exists.
ls /path/on/host/

docker run -it \
  -v /path/on/host/:/path/in/container  \
  confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli:7.8.1 ksql \
  --config-file /path/in/container/

Connect ksqlDB CLI to a ksqlDB Server Running on Another Host (Cloud)

Run a ksqlDB CLI instance in a container and connect to a remote ksqlDB Server host:

docker run -it confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli:7.8.1 ksql \

Your output should resemble:

Copyright 2017-2022 Confluent Inc.

CLI v0.29.0, Server v0.29.0 located at

Having trouble? Type 'help' (case-insensitive) for a rundown of how things work!


Interact with ksqlDB running in a Docker container

You can communicate with ksqlDB Server and the ksqlDB CLI when they run in Docker containers. The following examples show common tasks with ksqlDB processes that run in containers.

Wait for an HTTP endpoint to be available

Sometimes, a container reports its state as up before it’s actually running. In this case, the docker-compose depends_on dependencies aren’t sufficient. For a service that exposes an HTTP endpoint, like ksqlDB Server, you can force a script to wait before running a client that requires the service to be ready and available.

Use the following bash commands to wait for ksqlDB Server to be available:

echo -e "\n\n⏳ Waiting for ksqlDB to be available before launching CLI\n"
while [ $(curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} http://<ksql-server-ip-address>:8088/) -eq 000 ]
  echo -e $(date) "ksqlDB Server HTTP state: " $(curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} http://<ksql-server-ip-address>:8088/) " (waiting for 200)"
  sleep 5

This script pings the ksqlDB Server at <ksql-server-ip-address>:8088 every five seconds, until it receives an HTTP 200 response.


The previous script doesn’t work with “headless” deployments of ksqlDB Server, because headless deployments don’t have a REST API server.

To launch the ksqlDB CLI in a container only after ksqlDB Server is available, use the following Docker Compose command:

docker-compose exec ksql-cli bash -c \
'echo -e "\n\n⏳ Waiting for ksqlDB to be available before launching CLI\n"; while [ $(curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} http://<ksql-server-ip-address>:8088/) -eq 000 ] ; do echo -e $(date) "ksqlDB Server HTTP state: " $(curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} http://<ksql-server-ip-address>:8088/) " (waiting for 200)" ; sleep 5 ; done; ksql http://<ksql-server-ip-address>:8088'

Wait for a particular phrase in a container’s log

Use the grep command and bash process substitution to wait until the a specific phrase occurs in the Docker Compose log:

export CONNECT_HOST=<container-name>
echo -e "\n--\n\nWaiting for Kafka Connect to start on $CONNECT_HOST … ⏳"
grep -q "Kafka Connect started" <(docker-compose logs -f $CONNECT_HOST)

Run custom code before launching a container’s program

You can run custom code, like downloading a dependency or moving a file, before a ksqlDB process starts in a container. Use Docker Compose to overlay a change on an existing image.

Get the container’s default command

Discover the default command that the container runs when it launches, which is either Entrypoint or Cmd:

docker inspect --format={% raw %}'{{.Config.Entrypoint}}'{% endraw %} confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server:7.8.1
docker inspect --format={% raw %}'{{.Config.Cmd}}'{% endraw %} confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server:7.8.1

Your output should resemble:


In this example, the default command is /usr/bin/docker/run.

Run custom commands before the ksqlDB process starts

In a Docker Compose file, add the commands that you want to run before the main process starts. Use the command option to override the default command. In the following example, the command option creates a directory and downloads a tar archive into it.

  image: confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-server:7.8.1
    - kafka
    KSQL_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: <bootstrap-server-ip>:29092
    - /bin/bash
    - -c
    - |
      mkdir -p /data/maxmind
      cd /data/maxmind
      curl | tar xz

After the mkdir, cd, curl, and tar commands run, the /usr/bin/docker/run command starts the ksqldb-server image with the specified settings.


The literal block scalar, - |, enables passing multiple arguments to command, by indicating that the following lines are all part of the same entry.

Execute a ksqlDB script in the ksqlDB CLI

The following Docker Compose YAML runs ksqlDB CLI and passes it a SQL script for execution. The manual EXIT is required. The advantage of this approach, compared with running ksqlDB Server headless with a queries file, is that you can still interact with ksqlDB, and you can pre-build the environment to a desired state.

  image: confluentinc/cp-ksqldb-cli:7.8.1
    - ksql-server
    - $PWD/ksql-scripts/:/data/scripts/
    - /bin/bash
    - -c
    - |
      echo -e "\n\n⏳ Waiting for ksqlDB to be available before launching CLI\n"
      while [ $$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} http://<ksql-server-ip>:8088/) -eq 000 ]
        echo -e $$(date) "ksqlDB Server HTTP state: " $$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{http_code} http://<ksql-server-ip>:8088/) " (waiting for 200)"
        sleep 5
      echo -e "\n\n-> Running SQL commands\n"
      cat /data/scripts/my-ksql-script.sql <(echo -e '\nEXIT')| ksql http://<ksql-server-ip>:8088
      echo -e "\n\n-> Sleeping…\n"
      sleep infinity